
January 2024 to December 2024

Academic Support

Our education event facilitators are experienced practitioners in their subjects who will provide learners with support throughout the duration of the event and any related academic assessments.  As well as email support, learners may wish to attend individual tutorials arranged at a mutually convenient time.   

Academic support stops one week before an assignment submission deadline.  After this time event facilitators can only advise on general queries.

Learners can only seek guidance from one event facilitator at a time.  If a learner wishes to seek guidance from a second event facilitator, they must first discuss with the original event facilitator and gain their agreement.


Anonymity & Confidentiality

It is a professional standard to maintain anonymity and confidentiality throughout your work with regards to patients/carers/colleagues/organisations.  This extends to a Learner's studies.  

If a learner's work does not maintain anonymity and confidentiality as set out in the marking criteria they may be penalised.

Pass Mark

Unless otherwise stated, each assignment element must gain 40% to pass.  

If a learner does not achieve a 40% pass for an assessment element they will be required to resubmit this element.

Resubmissions are capped. You will have 1 attempt at resubmission. Additional resubmissions will be considered on an individual basis.

Successfully completed resubmitted elements will have an overall mark capped at 40%.  

Students who do not pass after retake will fail the academic section of their event.

Controlled Assessments

It is the learner's responsibility to have the correct controlled assessment time and location to attend and participate.  

If a learner does not attend their scheduled controlled assessment they will receive a mark of zero.

If a learner does not adhere to their controlled assessments rules they will receive a mark of zero.



Not acknowledging sources is called plagiarism.  This is not tolerated in academia.  Learners must properly acknowledge someone else's work or risk breaching rules related to plagiarism.  This could lead to a learner being disqualified from participating further in the education event they are enrolled in and/or reported to your employers and the Nursing and Midwifery Council.  

Plagiarism could include (but not excluding other examples) the points below:

  • Passing off own work that is partly or wholly the work of another student.
  • Citing and referencing sources that have not been used.
  • Quoting, summarising or paraphrasing material in an assessment without citing the original source.
  • A learner ‘recycling’ a piece of previous work that they previously submitted for another module or course and then re-submitting as a new piece of work (ie self-plagiarism).

Pears and Shields, 2013, pp. 1-2

Pears, R., and Shields, G. (2013) Cite Them Right. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Submission of Assessments

Unless otherwise stated, all work must be submitted electronically via our Moodle site.  Work submitted in other formats will not be marked.

Assignment deadline dates and times will be stated on a learner's event Moodle pages.  There is a 2 day window for late submissions unless Extenuating Circumstance (EC) processes are applied for. In the event of a submission after the 2 day window and no EC process is in place, the submission will be counted as Did Not Submit (DNS) and will receive zero marks. 

If a learner is unable to meet deadlines for the submission of assessments and they have a valid reason as set out in the Deferral of Course & Extenuating Circumstances pages of these Regulations & Procedures, they can apply for a deferral. A Learner must correspond with their event facilitator to ensure that appropriate administration is undertaken and submitted within the allotted time.


Word Count

If an assignment requests a word count, this must be provided on the assignment front sheet. The wordcount includes intext citations but excludes reference list, subtitles and appendices.

  • Any work exceeding the word count will not be marked or counted towards your final grade.