September 2022 to December 2023
Nationwide, Universities can award accreditation for professionally accredited courses.
The Faculty of Children’s Nurse Education has explored this option with our local university – University of the West of England (UWE). Below is an outline of this process and costings.
Students can undertake these credits at any University of their choice that offers this pathway, however if you choose to do so you will need to explore the process and costings outlined by the University of your choice.
Option 1: Individual wanting to accredit one Faculty of Children’s Nurse Education module they have attended:
- Contact Clive Warn at UWE:
- The student will use the assessment set by the Faculty team and may be required to undertake additional work to meet all University learning outcomes. A UWE based supervisor is available for the students, the academic work is marked by Clive Warn’s team.
- Cost: Current 20 credit UWE module (£998 for 2020/21).
- The module is named Evidencing Work Based Learning and that is the name of the award.
Option 2: Building a Professional Development award
- There are several options for building an award ranging from topping up to Level 3 (Degree) to full Masters. Information can be found on the following UWE pages:
- Students must register on the award pathway (cost £200), but can then transfer across credits from other HEI’s (Universities) into the award.
- The amount of credits which can be transferred in is variable depending on the award. Details of this can be found here:
- There is no time limit as to when credits expire, nor is there a time limit to completing the award pathway.
- The only stipulation is that the student has to complete a work based learning (WBL) module. This is a 20 credits module for L3 (Degree level), 40 credit for a full Masters award.
- The WBL module is a flexible module which is focused on service improvement and allows students to determine the assessment process in conjunction with the designated UWE based supervisor.
- The student has an individual learning contract which is agreed with their supervisor
- Further information:
- Student support and marking is undertaken by the UWE team. Physically remote students support is individualised but provided by their UWE based supervisor.
- The WBL module cost is the same as current UWE 20 credit module (£998 for 2020/21).
- A second option within the professional development award is for students to submit electronically via Electronic –Accreditation of Experiential Learning (E-AEL) With this process the student does not get the academic support from UWE team and submits their work electronically.
- Their work is marked by Clive Warn’s team.
- Cost is half that of the full module i.e. for 2020/21 £499.
- N.B. Students will still have to undertake a full cost supervised module to complete their award.
- This option is not available for students wishing to gain credits for a single module.
The costs involved in attaining University credits are additional to the cost of attending one of our courses. These costs will need to be met by the individual or their organisation.